Katsu Hero Deck

Katsu, the Wanderer
Harmonized Kodachi
Harmonized Kodachi
Ironrot Helm
Heartened Cross Strap
Breaking Scales
Ironrot Legs
Blackout Kick (1)
Fluster Fist (1)
Head Jab (1)
Leg Tap (1)
Open the Center (1)
Rising Knee Thrust (1)
Surging Strike (1)
Whelming Gustwave (1)
Scar for a Scar (1)
Leg Tap (2)
Rising Knee Thrust (2)
Surging Strike (2)
Springboard Somersault (2)
Fluster Fist (3)
Head Jab (3)
Whelming Gustwave (3)
Flic Flak (3)
Scour the Battlescape (3)
Wounding Blow (3)
Lunging Press (3)
Energy Potion
Sigil of Solace (3)